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Data Visualization & Dashboarding



I have worked in the Business Intelligence industry as a User Experience Designer since 2012. Creating intuitive and beautiful business dashboards such that users can gather quick insights into their business, sift through and analyze big data to make informed decisions has been my goal as a UX Designer. I have mostly worked within the realm of QlikView and QlikSense as the BI platforms. 

I am passionate about breaking down data to present information in the most visually appealing manner such that it becomes easy to identify outliers, understand trends and therefore enable an easy and compelling way to interact with data.


The applications shown in this page are demo applications designed for various industries like Finance, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Communications, Public Sector, Retail, sports, Health and wellness, Social Media and Entertainment.




T Y P I C A L    P R O C E S S    I N    A    P R O J E C T    L I F E    C Y C L E

Gathering requirements from the Industry Experts


Implemented data collected from research and use case scenario analysis into creating loose wireframe sketches. Choosing the right charts and data visualizations to show data clusters and outliers effectively.

1 Designer

1 Developer

Industry Experts

My Role as a UI Designer includes -

  • Understanding the industry Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and other measures

  • Researching and Understanding use case scenarios

  • Designing data visualization, illustrating data points and facilitating data discovery through the design

  • Designing the User Interface and look and feel of the application.

Project Kickoff

Design Stage

Industry Research + Understanding the Target Audience + Analysing various use cases


Sketching the User Interface of the Application & Wireframes

Thinking of the UI in 360 degree, like a rubic cube -

  • How will data be affected when a filter is selected?

  • What should be the correct chart type and how will it affect the data

  • How will all the sections in the application work together effectively to create a story

360 degree thinking

Visual Design and creating high fidelity mock-ups

The Visual Design stage is an itirative process where changes are made to the designs as per feedback received from the stakeholders.


Below are some examples of high fedility mock-ups of demo applications that I have designed for various industries and sectors. Full applications can be found at the links listed at the bottom of this page.

QlikView Application designed for Aster Teradata event. Industry : Telecommunication

QlikView Application for Enterprise Expense Management - Industry : Finance

QlikView Application for Clinical Pathways - Industry : Healthcare

QlikView Application to analyse data for Green Bunny Ice Cream consumption - Industry : Food

QlikView Application designed for Hotel Industry - Application specifically designed for iPad.

QlikView + HTML5 web Mash-up app





This project was a collaboration between Circle of Blue and QlikView as an effort to present California Reservoir data analysis for the White House Climate Data Initiative.


My role was to design the Dashboard which enables analysis of the California Reservoir data as part of the Choke Point Index project in order to create awareness of California's draught and current water crisis.


Link to the Dashboard -

White House Link -


L I S T   O F   F I N I S H E D   P R O J E C T S

The list of finished projects consists of selected projects which are a part of the online QlikView Demo Site for showing the capabilities of QlikView with data from various industries.



1. Social Media Buzz

        Industry : Cross-Industry



2. Personal Services Customer Retention

       Industry : Retail & Services


3. US Healthcare Cost Facts

       Industry : Healthcare


4. Expense Management

       Industry : Finance


5. Labor Productivity

       Industry : Healthcare


6. Pro -Golf

       Industry : Sports


7. Human Resources

       Industry : Cross-Industry


8. Clinical Pathways

     Industry : Healthcare


9. Retailer EPOS data analysis

     Industry : Retail & Services


10. Prescription Tracker

      Industry : Life Sciences






V I E W   M O R E   P R O J E C T S

Web & Mobile UX Design

User Experience Research

Thought Leadership

Interactive Installations

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